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Here is a PowerShell script to gather selectedSQL Server instance performance counters. The data comes from sys.dm_os_performance_counters view. Please create a SQL Server Agent job for this. The domain account that this job runs under needs to have proper access to the instances in question and be able to insert data into the JiMetrics database.

Remember to change “sql1” to your host instance name

function getInstanceDmvPerfCounter($ServerInstance)
    $InstanceDmvPerfCounterQuery = @"
select object_name
       , counter_name
       , instance_name
       , cntr_value
       , cntr_type
from sys.dm_os_performance_counters
where [counter_name] IN ( N'Page life expectancy'
                          , N'Lazy writes/sec'
                          , N'Page reads/sec'
                          , N'Page writes/sec'
                          , N'Free Pages'
                          , N'Free list stalls/sec'
                          , N'User Connections'
                          , N'Lock Waits/sec'
                          , N'Number of Deadlocks/sec'
                          , N'Transactions/sec'
                          , N'Forwarded Records/sec'
                          , N'Index Searches/sec'
                          , N'Full Scans/sec'
                          , N'Batch Requests/sec'
                          , N'SQL Compilations/sec'
                          , N'SQL Re-Compilations/sec'
                          , N'Total Server Memory (KB)'
                          , N'Target Server Memory (KB)'
                          , N'Latch Waits/sec' )
    try {
    $InstanceConfigList = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Query $InstanceDmvPerfCounterQuery -Database "master"
    catch {}
    $dataIndexArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    $InstanceConfigList | foreach {
        $myHashtable = @{object_name = $_.object_name;  counter_name =
        $_.counter_name; instance_name = $_.instance_name; cntr_value =
        $_.cntr_value; cntr_type = $_.cntr_type}
        [void] $dataIndexArray.add($myHashtable)
$InstanceList = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "exec Windows.Instance_Select_InstanceID_InstanceName" -ServerInstance "sql1" -Database "JiMetrics"
$InstanceList | ForEach-Object {
    $InstanceName = $_.InstanceName
    $InstanceID = $_.InstanceID
        Try {
           $InstanceDmvPerfCounterArray = getInstanceDmvPerfCounter($InstanceName)
           $InstanceDmvPerfCounterArray | ForEach-Object {
               $object_name, $counter_name, $instance_name, $cntr_value,
               $cntr_type = $_.object_name, $_.counter_name, $_.instance_name,
               $_.cntr_value, $_.cntr_type
               $sql = "EXEC Windows.InstanceDmvPerfCounter_Insert $InstanceID, '$object_name',
               '$counter_name', '$instance_name', $cntr_value, $cntr_type"
                Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $sql -ServerInstance "sql1" -Database "JiMetrics"
    Catch { Return }
windows/powershell/insertinstancedmvperfcounter.1383673162.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/14 21:58 (external edit)