Here is a PowerShell script to gather SQL Server database file information such as names, size, size used, max size, growth property (percentage or not). Please create a SQL Server Agent job for this. The domain account that this job runs under needs to have access to the instances.

Database file usage changes fairly frequently, therefore scheduling this to run daily would be my suggestion. You can always manually kick off this job if needed.

Remember to change “sql1” to your host instance name

function getInstanceUserDb($ServerInstance)
    $UserDbList = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Query "select name
from master.sys.databases where name not in ('master', 'model', 'msdb',
'tempdb') and state_desc = 'online'"
function getDbFileInfo($ServerInstance, $DbName)
    $DbFileQuery = @"
select as FileLogicalName
, a.filename as FilePhysicalName
, as FileGroupName
, a.size/128 as FileSizeInMB
, (a.size-fileproperty(,'SpaceUsed'))/128 as FreeSizeInMB
, b.max_size
, b.growth
, case b.is_percent_growth
when 1 then 'Y'
else 'N' end as is_percent_growth
from [$DbName].sys.sysfiles a inner join [$DbName].sys.database_files b on a.fileid = b.file_id
left outer join [$DbName].sys.filegroups c on a.groupid = c.data_space_id
    try {
    $DbFileList = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Query $DbFileQuery -Database $DbName
    catch {}
    $dataIndexArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    $DbFileList | foreach {
        $myHashtable = @{FileLogicalName = $_.FileLogicalName; FilePhysicalName = $_.FilePhysicalName; FileGroupName = $_.FileGroupName; FileSizeInMB = $_.FileSizeInMB; FreeSizeInMB = $_.FreeSizeInMB; max_size = $_.max_size; growth = $_.growth; is_percent_growth = $_.is_percent_growth}
        [void] $dataIndexArray.add($myHashtable)
function storeDbFileInfo($sql)
    $serverResults = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "sql1" -Database "JiMetrics" -Query $sql
    $serverResults | forEach {
    $InstanceName, $InstanceID = $_.InstanceName, $_.InstanceID
    Try {
        $dbResults = getInstanceUserDb -ServerInstance $InstanceName
    Catch { Return }
    $dbResults | ForEach {
        $dbName = $
        Try {
            $a = getDbFileInfo -ServerInstance $InstanceName -DbName $dbName
        Catch { Return }
        $a | ForEach {
            if ($_.FileLogicalName)
                $FileLogicalName, $FilePhysicalName, $FileGroupName, $FileSizeInMB, $FreeSizeInMB, $max_size, $growth, $is_percent_growth = $_.FileLogicalName, $_.FilePhysicalName, $_.FileGroupName, $_.FileSizeInMB, $_.FreeSizeInMB, $_.max_size, $_.growth, $_.is_percent_growth
                $sql = "EXEC Windows.DbFileStats_Insert $InstanceID, '$DbName', '$FileLogicalName', '$FilePhysicalName', '$FileGroupName', $FileSizeInMB, $FreeSizeInMB, $max_size, $growth, '$is_percent_growth'"
                Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $sql -ServerInstance "sql1" -Database "JiMetrics"
            } } } } }
$sql = @"
storeDbFileInfo -sql $sql